Project Results
The “EUnvironemtal emergency in simple words” is a 24-months Strategic Partnership that aims to engage 100 youngsters and 20 youth workers on raising awareness and advancing comprehension towards environmental issues. Youth will be empowered to take action and become influencers for their communities towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
The “EUnvironemtal emergency” project provides the space for youngsters to enrich their knowledge about environmental issues, climate challenges and related EU strategies and policies, while advance their skills and competences through a set of innovative tools. The improvement on their knowledge will result in having a thorough overview of what are the problems that our planet strives to tackle and how the communities together with politicians should act. Therefore, the project will contribute in raising their awareness towards climate change and other eco- problems thereby making them want to raise their voice and act as influencers by exposing their concerns publicly. Hence, the project seeks, through the involvement of the youngsters to the project activities, to activate them and highlight their influence to the communities. By influencing them in terms of their responsibility towards the planet, we seek to transfer this “social responsibility” awareness to their educational institutions as well and increase awareness about the environment and climate change within the educational structures.
On the other hand, as the project entails only activities that are totally participatory, interactive and based on non-formal and informal learning and ICT tools, the participating youngsters will experience a number of actions that will help them increase skills and competences such as analytical and critical thinking, organization and cooperation skills, digital skills etc. As the project includes the engagement of the youngsters in the creation of board games and comics, sense of creativity will also be enhanced. Moreover, as the content of all materials developed is based on the EU values, the project promotes active participation, European citizenship and civic engagement. Therefore, all of the activities that the youngsters will participate to will make them feel empowered, more eager and ready to take action within their local communities and beyond and perceive the environmental challenges as universal issues that need to be tackled by societies as a whole under the common values of respect, tolerance and solidarity.
Furthermore, the project includes the development of a Guide focusing on how non-formal learning can be blended in the formal education and how non- formal learning tools can achieve the advancement of skills and competences of youngsters.
The project will also contribute to the development of the eight key competences for life long learning. Teaching staff will also benefit by the project as they will be given the chance to advance their teaching techniques and professional profile.
1. The "Envictionary", LEAD: DYPALL
The participating youth workers and youngsters will be asked to define environmental terms and phrases that are too complicated for them and need clarification.
The youngsters will work together with the developers of the dictionary by reviewing these keywords and definitions, making sure those are explained clearly in an easy, non-formal and youth friendly way and by providing feedback in different stages. The result that will be produced under PR1, will be focused on the terminology, as a Dictionary of key-words.
2. Educational Guide for youth workers on non-formal learning approaches on environmental issues, LEAD: Municipality of Salamina
The participating youth workers and youngsters will be asked to develop a specialized Guide with tools and methods tested or developed from experienced youth workers or NGOs/entities focused on environmental terms and phrases that are too complicated for youth workers to explain to youth, using the terms of Envictionary.
The youngsters will work together with the developers of the dictionary by reviewing these keywords and definitions, making sure those are explained clearly in an easy, non-formal and youth friendly way and by providing feedback in different stages.
3. Online Academy MOOC Courses on environmental terminology, LEAD: RDC
The PR3 will focus on developing a specialized MOOC Course using the content of the previous
The selected youngsters will attend the final MOOC courses project result. Their feedback will also be asked in various phases prior to the release of the finalized product.
In that way they will be a constant test and focus group which will assess the result from a youth perspective.
4. Comics/Board games with recycled materials, LEAD: CSI Center for Social Innovation
The comics will consist of various alternative scenarios. As such, the youngsters, will employ their creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to assist the graphic designers and script developers with the creation of the comics.
Similarly, the youngsters will give feedback to different stages of the board games development and function as test groups.
5. Environmental Application game, LEAD: CYLN
The Application Game will be developed in the logic that users will be able to scan a unique QR code and learn info on important environmental issues.
Through the activities and the project outputs, the participants and other target groups will better comprehend the meaning of terms used in policy papers, articles, news and discussions about environment and climate change while they will also enhance their knowledge about terms such as sustainability, resilience, renewable sources. Therefore, they will end up more familiar to the environmental challenges, they will also raise awareness towards environmental pollution and climate change and will be motivated to be part of a sustainable lifestyle. The ultimate goal of the project is to advance youngster’s attention on the subject so as they will be inspired to act as influencers and opinionleaders challenging their communities under the same aim of the conservation of our planet. Communities need peers to act as leaders in taking initiatives under a common force. Citizens are keen on identifying personalities other than politicians to get influenced and inspired by and young people can successfully serve that role. Therefore, a concrete aim of this project is to raise awareness on the communities by motivating young people to convey the message of a sustainable life.