The “EUnvironemtal emergency in simple words” is a 24-months Strategic Partnership that aims to engage 100 youngsters and 20 youth workers on raising awareness and advancing comprehension towards environmental issues. Youth will be empowered to take action and become influencers for their communities towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
Municipality of Salamina, Greece
Salamina is regarded as the biggest island of Saronikos gulf and the one closest to Athens and Piraeus main port with more than 40000 people as inhabitants. The City of Salamina shares a great history in ancient times and it is famous because of its presence to a number of myths and historical incidents like invasions etc. Its extension is covered by small mountains, forests and a coast and its the main fields of business activity concern agriculture, aquaculture, fishing and tourism.
The main objectives of the Municipality of Salamina is to protect the natural characteristics of the area and to secure the citizens’ quality of life. To that end, the action plan aims at strengthening the local economy; creating jobs; Taking environmentally friendly touristic initiatives; putting forth social cohesion; and promoting the cultural and historical heritage.
In particular, the Municipality of Salamina works towards the reduction of CO2 emissions and the promotion of environmental issues to young people. Also, promotes synergies between rural and urban regions; enhances job creation in the agricultural and touristic sector; implements educational and cultural programmes for the youth; seeks to modernize and improve the ICT sector and technical infrastructure and welcomes partnerships and cooperations to further explore and implement fresh and innovative ideas and initiatives.
Finally, Municipality of Salamina had participated in various European projects funded by Hellenic Ministry of Interior while many local schools had been designated as beneficiaries in Erasmus+ projects. With a great number of youth population with 8 High Schools and 3 Vocational Schools and a large number of primary schools and kindergardens, the City of Salamina shows the intense presence of young people in the City.
Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional, and global contexts. CSI belief is that the four pillars of Social Interaction, Education, Development and Economic Rationalization coupled with fundamentally sound and sustainable solutions as well as disruption to streamlined solutions to systemic social problems can lead to creative solutions that impact significant change to the social fabric of every society. CSI is working closely to address market, social, economic and education challenges with governments, local administrative agencies, non-for-profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. Theyidentify and address systemic challenges through evidence-based research, state of the art investigation of global, national, regional, and local solutions, developing solutions by taking into consideration the local ecosystem, cultural dynamics, meet the stakeholders needs and implementing those solutions as theykeep constant vigilance to ensure continual feedback loop and adjustments. The feedback mechanisms and processes theyemploy allow us certainty in keeping in touch with our stakeholders and continually update our social solutions proposition. CSI team is composed of more than 30 open-minded, fully equipped researchers, educators, trainers, social entrepreneurs, project managers, trainers, and Information Technology Developers. CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives and project and provide for sustainable growth, based on its extensive expertise in successfully completing more than 100 funded projects. CSI is focus on the improvement of the Quality of Life for all and leverages Social Innovation to attain Social Justice, to solve Systemic Challenges and develop solutions that may provide opportunities for individuals and organizations.
Change your life now – CYLN, Greece
CYLN is an NGO implementing programs aiming at:
- helping children, teenagers and adults develop their social skills and learn techniques how to better manage their anger and peacefully resolve potential conflicts, and,
- promoting effective teamwork and understanding of the notions of anger, rights, respect for diversity, conciliation and solidarity in an experiential manner using non-formal learning approach and methodology.
Their main goal is also the protection and defense of the rights of individuals belonging to vulnerable social groups or those suffering discrimination, their empowerment so that they can express their needs and gain access to services allowing them to make choices. CYLN promotes the concept of participation, based on the premise that all people, including children, young people and those belonging to vulnerable social groups have the right to express their opinion on decisions affecting them and learn to claim their rights.
Since CYLN’s organisation’ foundation, they have participated in a series of workshops and lectures with the Society for the Protection of Minors, with the Department of Adolescent Medicine of Tzanio Hospital, with municipalities and schools.
Through the years, theyhave successfully organized and completed a series of programs/projects focusing on vulnerable groups and targeting the empowerment for social and personal development. Specifically,
- A program related to conflict resolution among teachers and students in collaboration with the Municipality of Nikea.
- A conflict resolution training program in collaboration with College Mediterane and IEK ALPHA-XYNI.
- An educational program in a Delinquent Families Children Accommodation Structure (EPAP PIRAEUS – YDDAA) – on cultural diversity, conflict resolution and anger management caused by self-isolation due to covid-19.
- An educational program for parents in the 8th Primary School of Perea-Thessaloniki that focused on the management and resolution of conflicts.
- Counseling seminars on divorce management in relation to young people and children.
- “CHANGE YOUR SCHOOL NOW” and “GOODBYE ANGER”. They both have been approved by the Ministry of Education for the years 2019-2020 and have been resubmitted for the years 2020-2021. They concern conflict resolution in in the school environment and are focused, both in Primary and Secondary education, throughout Greece.
Therefore, theyhave a strong background in implementing and taking leading roles in workshops and activities that aim to enhance young people personality regardless their background or any vulnerability. Theywish to put in practice this experience in new forms of engagement and motivate our target group to new challenges as the participation to an EU mobility project.
DYPALL Network (Developing Youth Participation at Local Level) is a European platform of over 70 civil society organizations and local authorities from more than 30 countries, that aims to involve young people in decision-making processes at local level, and thus enable municipal and regional authorities to address the needs and interests of youth, engage young people as active actors of problem-solving and increase the level of ownership, commitment and involvement of an important part of our communities. YP Lab is a resource and mobility centre within DYPALL Network with the focus on research development and capacity building in the field of local youth participation.
In order to realize this ambitious and challenging initiative, DYPALL Network has the following objectives:
- Develop structures and mechanisms for youth participation in decision-making at local level;
- Identify best practices and introduce innovative approaches on public governance in cooperation with local authorities and civil society organizations active in the field of youth;
- Foster youth engagement and inclusiveness in representative and participatory democracy processes;
- Build capacity and provide technical assistance on various areas and processes like policy making, advocacy, structured dialogue, co-management, and more;
- Mainstream youth policies at local and regional level (such as youth Guarantee schemes) to develop cohesive and engaged societies.
DYPALL Network has seven full-time staff members who are experienced in all aspects of project management and have years of experience in implementing Erasmus + projects, dating back to the time before 2014, when the Youth in Action program was implemented. The work of the organisation is also supported by paid interns and ESC volunteers. Moreover, organisation cooperates with several freelancers both in Portugal and internationally, who are engaged when the specific expertise is required. Extensive pool of trainers of DYPALL Network allows the organisation to organise and provide trainings on various topics related to youth participation, at the local, regional, national and international level. DYPALL Network has two offices in Portugal, the head office in Portimão as well as Youth Participation Lab (office) in Lisbon Youth Centre. The organisation has procedures in place that have to be followed in order to ensure effective implementation of all projects.
Association „Reflection on Europe” (ROE), Poland
The Association „Reflection on Europe” (ROE) is a newborn, grassroot non-governmental organization registered in 2018. Since 2014, however, the founders of the association had been realising the activities as an informal group through debates, workshops and seminars about the European Union – its past, present and future situation. ROE gathers people interested in the issues of the European Union as well as local development, education (formal and non-formal), culture, social activity, entrepreneurship and youth policy.
ROE seeks to involve young people in the debate on social and political issues and in creating opportunities for active citizenship and active youth participation. We are committed to creating a space for dialogue and exchange of experience between different youth organizations at home and abroad and between the European institutions. The main goals are personal growth and integration of the young and modern generation in Swietokrzyskie region in Poland.
ROE’s conceptual strategy is focused on:
- Increasing knowledge about European Union – its history, activities and values
- increasing youth participation in social, civic and political engagement and decision-making
- creating opportunities for dialogue, meetings and sharing of experience between the organizations and institutions involved
- involving young people in the non-formal educational process, promote intercultural dialogue, youth mobility, volunteering,
- outdoor and other activities,
- to express opinion on themes, relevant to the European citizenship, how to solve problems in a non-conflict way and develop
- a sense of tolerance and understanding of diversity.
Partners of ours are schools, municipalities, NGOs, regional and European institutions in Poland (for example Eurodesk, Europe Direct and representation of the European Commission in Poland). They work with youngsters from different age groups, to inform young people about important issues related to Europe, the EU, different countries in Europe and their culture, to encourage them to develop initiatives on European level.
RDC Informatics, Greece
RDC Informatics is specialized in applied innovative solutions for cloud-based technology areas, providing services for creative design, digital marketing, web & mobile application development and business software implementations. Management & R&D teams have a significant 20-years’ experience in developing both national (Greece) and international projects (United Kingdom, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Russia). Today, RDC Informatics offers innovative ICT software products organized in three discrete business divisions:
- Business Software Applications, SaaS Solutions (Software as a Service) & Cloud Solutions
- Web design – Web & Mobile Applications Development
- Digital Marketing Applications and Services
Main R&D & innovation activities take place in the following areas of expertise: Business Intranets & Collaboration platforms, Innovative e-Learning Applications, Process Management (BMP) Applications, Quality Management Applications, 360-degree Evaluation Applications, Intelligent and adaptive content digitation for e-learning applications, cross platform educational apps (for interactive whiteboards & mobile devices), e-Commerce applications for b2c & b2b projects.
Strategic initiatives regarding research activities are focused on:
- Adaptive Learning, Machine Learning, Social Learning – Social Engagement
- Operational Excellence through business automation
- Quality & Risk Management of Corporate Governance
RDC Informatics software engineers team uses state-of-the-art software development tools developing stand alone and cloud-based software applications for web & mobile. Apart from software developers our software design team consists of UX experts, UI specialized designers and social phycologists able to transform every business need to human-centric software applications. RDC Informatics is ISO 9001 Quality Management System & ISO 27001 Information Security System certified.